Hi! My name is Elle
I am a #1 international bestselling author, teacher, coach and Twin Flame and Ascension Alchemist
My true purpose in life is to guide people on their Twin Flame journey so they can achieve self-love and abundance, and ultimately, reunite with their Twin Flame. The Twin Flame journey is about so much more than being with a romantic partner... Sometimes Twin Flames aren’t in romantic relationships. They can be platonic in nature or otherwise. The relationship itself shouldn’t be the main focus. In order to move through the journey as gracefully and painlessly as possible, your energy should be spent looking inward rather than to external forces. In fact, half of the students I’ve worked with end up not desiring to be with their Twin Flame. It’s no longer the main motivator for seeking my help. However, what happens is that they end up magnetizing their Twin Flames into their lives anyway and enjoy a healthy, loving relationship with them, something they didn’t think was possible before seeking guidance.
After going on my own Twin Flame journey for four years, I decided to coach and teach students experiencing the same thing. As painful as my Twin Flame journey was, I wouldn’t trade the experience for the world because, without it, I wouldn’t have learned the Divine Truth of Creation, which is necessary for helping others advance on their journeys. You need someone who is able to truly understand your unique Twin Flame journey.
Watching my students reach a place of deep contentment and inner peace is beyond anything I’ve ever felt. With my help, they’re able to magnetize their Twin Flames back into their lives and achieve pure unconditional love for themselves. I want this for you, too. This journey is the first step of your spiritual ascension, which is the transmutation of all your fear into love. It’s a complete shift back into who you truly are…your soul. Your soul is eternal, infinite, omnipresent, multidimensional, timeless, limitless, all-powerful. It’s miraculous. The Twin Flame journey is the vehicle to help you make that first permanent shift towards being in closer alignment with your soul. My goal is to continue expanding people’s knowledge and awareness of Twin Flames and assist humanity’s spiritual ascension on a global scale – and I would love to be a part of your journey. Let me help you discover who you truly are, at the soul level, and stop suffering through obsessive thoughts about your Twin Flame. For more information about Twin Flames, check out our Twin Flame YouTube Channel containing insightful videos.

Our mission is to empower otherwise successful individuals all over the world on their twin flame journey by transforming fear into love, guiding them through the depths of despair and isolation, helping them rediscover their true selves, and inspiring them to build thriving businesses that support and uplift others on a similar path.
What People Say
“I’m so very grateful for this program. Before I started it, I felt awful. I was beyond my skills and abilities to lead a “regular life”. I had physical ailments and medical issues that went unexplained. I felt very out of my depth and uncomfortable. Through the modules and tools of the program, I learned incredible new skills. Now, I’m more balanced, peaceful and calm. I also magnetized my Twin Flame, so my journey continues. Thank you!”
“Before I started this program I was a wreck. I had obsessive thoughts about my Twin Flame. There was this constant pain in my chest. With the support of Elle and Kelly, I’ve learned to know myself as a soul. I’ve gone through quite a blissful journey, something really sacred and special. Throughout the past few months, there were lots of ups and downs, but every up has been incredible. I’ve managed to magnetize my Twin Flame with this program. Thank you so much!”
“Before I started this program I was inconsolable. I enrolled in Elle’s programs two months ago and in that time, I’ve come to resonate with the fact that I’m whole and perfect just as I am. My life has changed dramatically for the better. And just as she promises, my Twin Flame has been magnetized in.”